петак, 27. септембар 2013.

. instead of me crying for you, the things that are d e a d around me do .

. weeping wall .

                                                       .mellonCollie& theInfinite8Sadness.

  . weeping window.

среда, 18. септембар 2013.

. when days are s t o r m y, I can only feel g h o s t s of resonance .

. asphalt often hides some umbrella insect, little sun or ordinary dry leaf on his wet cheeks & we discover that if we have seeking shoes .

. every b o n e in your fingers whispering about the hidden p o w e r of your hands .

. when the g r e e n wave swallows me I feel it in my bones .

. sometimes I catch a glimpse of her t r a pp e d in the eye of the mirror .

. sometimes I dont even know where& who I am .

. when the m u s i c stops we shall still d a n c e .

. sometimes, the street is the only place where we meet ourselves as l o v e r s .

. is it deja vu or or I'm just dreaming it all.

. animals in my d r e a m s do not have eyes .

. screenshots .

Inland Empire

* David Lynch